Barbara & Patrick Troubal GbR
Im Hainzenthal 1A
D-67722 Winnweiler
Tel.: +49 (0) 6302 6898771
Conception – Design – Programming:
LogoMax UG
Wittestraße 30K
D-13509 Berlin
Tel.: +49 (0) 30 60981800
All text on the website has been carefully checked. Nevertheless, we are unable to guarantee the absolute accuracy, completeness or validity of the information provided. Consequently, Patrick Troubal (Sole Trader) cannot be held responsible for the content of the website.
Liability for links:
Our website contains links to external, third-party websites, the content of which we have no control over whatsoever. As a result, we cannot be held liable for any external content. The content of any pages linked to is always the responsibility of the respective providers and operators of those websites. All pages linked to were checked for potential legal violations at the time of linking and no illegal content was identified at that time. However, it would be unreasonable to engage in permanent checking of all pages linked to without concrete evidence of a legal violation. Upon notification of any such violations, we will remove the affected links immediately.
The content and materials appearing on this website and created by the website operator are subject to German copyright law. Any reproduction, processing or distribution, as well as any use of any kind beyond the limits of copyright, requires the prior written consent of the respective authors or creators. Downloads and copies of this website may be made for private, non-commercial use only. Insofar as any content appearing on this website was not created by the operator, all copyrights belonging to third parties have been respected. In particular, all third-party copyright content is marked as such. Should you wish to bring an example of a copyright infringement to our attention, please contact us immediately. Upon notification of any such violations, we will remove the affected content immediately.
Data Protection:
It is normally possible to use our website without having to provide any personal data. In terms of any personal data we do collect (e.g. names, addresses and email addresses), this takes place – as far as possible – on a voluntary basis. This data will not be disclosed to any third parties without your explicit consent.
Please note that no data sent over the Internet (e.g. in emails) can ever be completely secure. It is impossible to guarantee the total protection of personal data against access by third parties.
Use of any contact information, which must be published on all websites according to German law, for the purposes of sending unsolicited advertising material and information is hereby expressly forbidden. The operator of this website expressly reserves the right to take legal action in the event of the unsolicited sending of advertising material, such as spam emails.
For legal reasons, we must draw your attention to the fact that we cannot always guarantee the quality of the content provided on the pages we link to and therefore cannot be held responsible. All personal data entered through forms on this website is used solely for the purposes intended and may be deleted on request.